Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Michigan Mary

--by goldencomet, posted Apr 4, 2007

Our 82-year-old neighbour, Mary from Michigan,  injured her shoulder so we volunteered to power wash her trailer for her.  My partner did the actual washing but I took over on making supper and doing some other jobs at home to free her up for the four hour job.

Other neighbours offered to be her driver and some brought over food.  Mary certainly was smiling!

Sometimes all it takes are small acts.

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: GOLDENCOMET, What a thoughtful thing to do for a neighbor. If we all join together and do even little things it'll make the load so much lighter. Mary is definitely knowing she is a child of God because of your act of kindness.
guin wrote: what a kind act!
i bet your neighbour is happy although she is facing difficulties.

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