Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Extra Recipe Book

--by WhiteRose, posted Apr 8, 2007

I helped someone out today. No biggy, but still, all the same, she was so appreciative. 

Earlier this morning, I bought a recipe magazine from the local shop -- it had one of those sample packs attached to it with sample tea, a big packet of rice noodles & rice bran oil in the bag.   And the shopkeeper gave me an extra one (which made me feel great!).

So, I then took the other one & a whole box of cat food -- which my fussy cat wouldn't eat! -- over to my friends house, who often helps me out.

My friend didn't stop thanking me & I'm glad to be of even the tiniest bit of help to her.


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Readers Comments

monkeyinpajamas wrote: that was a nice one!
you thought of turning a not so great situation into a kind one!
bibirose wrote: It's often what we consider small, someone else sees the act of kindness as hugely awesome in their eyes.
True thoughtfulness can never be measured by human standards; God measures by the intent of the heart & to me that is both challenging & very encouraging. shalom

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