Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Bus Driver's Bad Day

--by Babygirl, posted Apr 8, 2007

Every day I pretty much follow the same routine and my same schedule, see the same people, places and every day things, but today was some how different.

I caught the bus as usual and had my usual gruf bus driver but today was different not only for me but for him also.

This is a man who puts the word starch in professional and does his job, but today he was upset and agitated, and as usual I did not talk to him, only to say hello, but as I watched him on my ride to work I remembered the card that a kind stranger gave me at work, and thought what a simply  gesture would do for him.  So I gave him the card with the simple words, "Things will get better."

I know that I didn't solve his problems or his griefs but just that one little card put a temporary smile on his face and mine.

When we reach out to others whether we like them, know them, or they are simple strangers who pass in our life for just a moment, that momentary connection affects us all and it's the choice you make on how you want that connection to end.

I can only hope that his day got better but the simple smile from him, for my simple kind act, still makes me smile.  Even now.

How do you want your day to go? It's your choice.

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Readers Comments

butterfly wrote: you are amazing, seeing the good in others is such a gift x
manzi wrote: Indeed kindness is cotagious.Bus drivers are human beings-they go through a tough time during their call of duty.However,if all of us showed a little concern with a lot of smiles it will make a lot of difference.They would drive safely,they will take good care of the passengers and they will in the end love their jobs!
aurelia wrote: Is that you again Babygirl? I knew it! You have a way of finding good things and making people smile. I bet that grouchy bus driver will try hard to see the good in life.

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