Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Volunteering is a Joy

--by cancan, posted Apr 6, 2007
I do volunteer work in a hospital waiting room. I always say a prayer that Iwill be able to do something , however small, to be of help each day I work.

And I do such things as make coffee, answer the phone, relay messages, and give directions to various places in the hospital.  Sometimes I have the priviledge of listening and offerring a word of kindness.

I hope I am of assistance.  But one thing I know for sure though .... I am richer for being able to do this. It is such a priviledge to be able to touch a life, however briefly, and to make a tiny difference.
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Readers Comments

lmil1954 wrote: Just read your story...welcome back!
katlampi wrote: If nothing else, you have taken the burden off overextended doctors, nurses, and orderlies. Even if it just seems like a few little acts, it is one less thing that they need to do and more time they can spend on patients. Thank you for your kindness, and for sharing this wonderful story with us! I hope you find volunteering as fulfilling for yourself as it is helpful for those around you! :)
wink wrote: I couldn't agree more with you. You have encouraged me so much! Thank you.
Babygirl wrote: So it's you that makes the hospital a not so scary place. You may not know it but you do make a major difference. Thank you for your guidance.
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi Can Can

It makes such a difference when you are visiting hospital to see a friendly face, you have a heart of gold, God Bless.

Afriendlysmile :)
hiloecho wrote: I too volunteer my time and am blessed for doing so. I volunteer at my church in the Garden Ministry, I show up early on Sunday's to pray over each seat, and I help out in other ways. I also serve food to the needy at our local shelter. I have to smile when people ask why would I work for nothing and I think money could never buy the satisfaction I get from helping others. Keep the spirit of love alive!

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