Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Crumpled Dollar

--by Babygirl, posted Apr 8, 2007

When I was working as a waitress at a small resturant by the highway, an older gentlemen came in to purchase a cup of coffee. I recognized him because he was the gentleman who lived under the bridge that was just down the street.

When he came in, he placed a crumpled dollar on the counter and asked if that was enough.  I told him it was plenty, went to get his coffee and handed him a menu at the same time. He looked at me confused and I told him to order what he wanted.

After his meal and a to-go bag with a fresh cup of coffee, he smiled and left.  But as I was cleaning up his place, I noticed the crumpled dollar on the counter.

I stood there and cried because I knew this was probably all he had.

I placed the crumpled one in my apron and pulled out a ten; I asked a friend to catch up with him and give him something from me.  I never saw him again but his smile stays with me even today.

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Readers Comments

Ladybird1 wrote: Beautiful!
wooka85257 wrote: A beautiful story, touchingly told. Your compassion and kindness radiate from every word. Blessings on you for your kind heart.
Meera wrote: Nice story depicts 'Giving doesnot based on how much money they have in their wallet.. but based on the kindness they have in their heart'
Donna wrote: Selfless acts of kindness create a ripple effect that go on keep it up the world needs more of these ripples.
myturn wrote: your will always remember his smile and he will always remember your kind gesture. you inspire me and others thank you
monabr wrote: I would like to type more, but I'm busy wiping tears from my eyes
Kenyanna wrote: Makes me realise it's not yet dark, at least yet - daylight is still revealing warm souls. Congratulations girl
Zaynab wrote: Oh my gosh that is so beautiful I'm really close to crying! You have a wonderful soul in you, God bless your sweet heart.
mercurialgirl wrote: How beautiful your story is, and even more precious that God put you in such a place to be able to reach out and touch that man's life in that way...I'm sure it changed him in a way you'll never know, What a beautiful gift!
debby wrote: Every drop of beauty makes the world a more beautiful place. In our own small, yet meaningful way, we can change the world

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