Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Stranger on the Bus and a Conversation of a Lifetime

--by anonymous, posted Jul 12, 2014
Last weekend I sat on the bus bubbling with excitement and so ready to spend time in New York City with one of my best friends from college. As I took the window seat and put my headphones in, I barely even noticed the elderly man that took a seat beside me.

Two hours passed and I remained absorbed in my own world, bored and anxious to get off of the bus. Trying to push away all the thoughts, worries, and obligations that were weighing me down. Trying to trick myself into believing that I was fine, perfectly and completely okay.

However, after re-settling on the bus after the quick rest stop break, the elderly man asked me a question, a simple question about the bus’s Wi-Fi capabilities, which turned into a 2 and a half hour conversation probing my deepest fears, my dreams, my life.

I shared more with this stranger on the bus than I have with any friend or family member in months. Maybe it had something to do with me just being afraid to let anyone I know close to me anymore. Regardless, I was amazed that a complete stranger would be not only so genuinely interested in getting to know me, but also just as willing to push me to my greatest capabilities. Instead of politely nodding his head when I mentioned law school, he told me that my true passion seemed to be English. He made me question the plans I had laid out for my life with just that simple statement. He helped me realize that my neatly organized plan for the next five years of my life isn’t all that neat, but actually complicated and riddled with uncertainty. Most of all, this stranger helped me embrace the complication, not stray away from it because of my fear of the unknown.

A few days ago, he emailed me saying: “I think you’re headed to great things no matter what you decide to do.”

While I’ve been feeling quite lonely, lost, and afraid this summer, in a few hours a stranger that I may never have spoken to on this bus ride showed me a kindness and sense of compassion that made me realize that yes, life is painful, frightening, and inexplicable at times but it is going to be okay. A little warmth can go a long way and a complete stranger can be a blessing you never knew you needed.
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Readers Comments

Gjaia wrote: I hope the 'stranger' knows how much his kindness meant to you. By telling him, maybe you can brighten up his day!
micah1116 wrote: Really neat how we can run into people like that, when we least expect it : )
jen wrote: That's so true and sometimes the strangers comment may take years to be relevant too, but may stay in our heads waiting to be the right time
mmacuno wrote: I call it " the universe embracing you". I know you must be a kind person. So the kindness youve been spreading has come back to you though the kind old man. Smiles.
grandmadee2003 wrote: I love this story. Thank you for sharing it with us.
catherinemgr wrote: That's beautiful!
Shamana Marshall wrote: Angels unawares
Dr. Charli Schulman wrote: On occasion, i will purchase a bouquet of balloons and walk around the downtown area of my town. When i see someone who looks like they need something to lighten their burden, i give them a balloon. I love the look on their face, at first that look at me like i am a crazy balloon lady, within a split second that look changes to pure joy! I have been told by many that i have made their day, i have even received some heart felt hugs.
kwaibak wrote: What a wonderful way to pass your long ride. Your conversation not only helped you but this probably brightened up this elderly man's day as well!

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