Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Joys of Being a Waitress

--by Babygirl, posted Apr 13, 2007

As a waitress you meet and see all types of people.  I guess you could call it the melting pot of the highway because the food connects us all.

I was about to end my shift one afternoon when a group of people came in.  As they sat down, they explained that they were trying to make it home and just had enough to buy their children a small snack and that all they needed was water. So I showed them a few things on the menu and asked them what they would like.

As I walked away to turn in their order, I just couldn't see this family leaving hungry with a snack and some water!  So I asked some friends to join me in helping this family and they agreed because they know how I am when it comes to helping others and it gives them the fuzzy feeling of making a difference too.

So I went back to the table and quietly let the parents know that they could order what they wanted because it was taken care of by some strangers.  At first, they didn't know what to say but with a smile and a glance at the menu, they kindly accepted.

When they left all you could see was smiles, and with a tear in my eye, I wished them a safe trip and asked them to stop by if they were ever in the area again.

I learn that with every kind gesture you connect with that person and the emotion it gives flows both ways. I guess you could say they brought me home to my heart that day and every day.

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Readers Comments

afriendlysmile wrote: Hi Baby Girl

I agree with you it is a wonderful feeling straight from the heart to the heart knowing that someone is on your side.

Your an angel.

Afriendlysmile :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Bless you for making a difference. Kind acts like this will probably never be forgotten by the family. Way to make someone smile!
silentdreamer wrote: bless u for doing this. its really wonderful.
Hope4lisa wrote: So sweet and thoughtful. For some waitresses, the only thought they might have had would have been something like, "Oh great. No tip here." Its a great thing, kindness. Thank you for sharing yours with others and us!
guin wrote: fantastic! keep up the great work!
lovebug wrote: Dear babygirl
It is a term I myself use. Those around me tell me I am improper, but I tend to be stuborn,so the world tells me, however I find the word perserverace more to my liking. Fuzzy is another word I use, because I really do not understand why I am kind.
kjsahfdka wrote: Great job done Babygirl! Bless You Always!!!
speedi wrote: Good for you! Thanks for sharing
PearlyShells wrote: I love This!! What a Blessing!
Jeniffer wrote: Great Job!! And involving others is always an added blessing!! You get to share the feeling!! Good for you!!

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