Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Gift That Comes Around

--by Babygirl, posted Apr 14, 2007

During the holidays, our company gives it employees gift certificates to use in thier stores and for a few years now I've received these gift certificates from fellow employees because they know that I use them to help others.  It's a  great way to get your co-workers involved!

Anyway, we always have a full store and people shop there to help others, and this day I got to help them help others.

A young pastor and his wife were shopping and asked if we could somehow give him a deal because he was buying clothes for 10 people in his church and needed help himself, so I told him I would go and speak with my manager and see what we could do.

Being that we work with donated goods, we were able to help him a little and then I remembered the gift certificates that I had in my purse and gave him some of them. I explained that they may not do much but they would help him with his purchases there. He thanked me and they shopped for what they needed.

Doing this for them gave me such joy and brightened my day but what amazed me that day was as the day went on, a young woman walked up to me and handed me a greeting card.  She told me it was a gift and so I thanked her and placed it in my apron. 

Later, when I opened the small envelope during my break, I saw that I was a gift card to one of our local department stores.

I don't know where or who it came from but it showed me that there are others that are out there trying to make a difference and the gift you receive in giving is the greatest gift you can receive.

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Readers Comments

aurelia wrote: Babygirl, I love that idea. I will do the same with my certificates also. Isn't it nice that as soon as you handed out with one hand, the other hand was replenished. Good for You. ~Aurelia

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