Stories of Kindness from Around the World

New Way to Give to Homeless

--by papaya, posted Apr 13, 2007
When a homeless person is standing on the side of the highway, holding up a cardboard sign asking for money, many people simply look away ignore the person.

I know that sometimes I am hesitant to give away money to people on the street, and sometimes I simply can't get out my wallet in time. However, a really easy thing to do is purchase gift certificates for small amounts from places like McDonalds. They offer $1 gift slips there. Buy 10 or 20 of these and keep them in your glove compartment.

The next time you see someone in need, simply hand them a few and encourage them to go get a hot coffee and a burger. This way you know they will get a decent meal and you know they won't use them to buy other things.

Another simple idea is to hand them a granola bar and a juice box. Little things, but they might just keep someone alive another day!
2015 Reads

Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Those are good ideas I'll try out today, thanks!
violetangel wrote: In Britain our homeless people can often be found sitting on the ground on the pavement (sidewalk). I have often given whatever food or drink I happen to have been carrying. One day it was so cold and the man had no hat, so I went into the nearest charity shop (goodwill store), bought a woolly hat and went back to give it to him.
Satish wrote: A very good gesture, which will inspire others to do their bit.
AURELIA wrote: Super ideas of ways to help the homeless. I am going to get some gift cards and keep them in my car like you said!I hope I get to help someone soon.

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