Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Laundry Fairy

--by omniscient, posted Apr 9, 2007
I know it isn't much but I went to do my laundry in the apartment complex that I live in and at one point I walked in and noticed a pile of clothes and some loose change on one of the dryers.

At first, I was going to exchange dimes and nickles for quarters but then I decided not to and I left two dollars in quarters. I felt so corny doing it, but I ran back to my apartment to grab a smile card and left it under the quarters.

WOW. I live in the ghetto, I can only imagine how the person reacted. But I felt good about it. :-)
1690 Reads

Readers Comments

afriendlysmile wrote: Hi Omniscient

Real nice story, its not what you give, its the thought and feelings that went into it.

Afriendlysmile :)
Jeniffer wrote: You never know how something small can help someone else!! Every little bit helps!! Good job
guin wrote: wow!that was really a great story.
reminds me of this quote- there are no great acts of love,only small acts of great love.
Bibirose wrote: Gidday Omniscient,Blooming Bonza job, in plain English that's Hi there, & super great job. What we consider small & insignificant others call miracles!
victop wrote: it is just a great story to witness for better understanding of emmotion she underwent.
victop wrote: whats a lovely thing to help others!

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