Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Act Quickly on Good Intentions

--by writingmomma, posted Apr 12, 2007
Last week I was asked to go open the church for one of our members. It was a good warm day, so I decided to walk. 

On the way home I had to pass the home of a neighbor that I knew was in the last stage of cancer. I decided to stop and see how the family was doing.

That was on Monday. Friday the neighbor passed away. That made me realize how important it is to act upon those good intentions we have in our hearts.

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Readers Comments

Afriendlysmile wrote: Hi Writingmomma

What a nice gesture you did, it proves we should never put off our random acts of kindness.

God Bless

Afriendlysmile :)

AURELIA wrote: Writingmomma, That was so nice of you to stop in to see your sick neighbor. It is unfortunate that he/she had already passed away, but I'm sure the family members were happy to see that others cared enough to make the effort to extened good wishes to their sick relative. God Bless.
amanda4384 wrote: Thank you for your really reminds us to act on our impulses, and never put off until tomorrow what we can do today. We really do need to live every day to the fullest.

Enjoy the rest of your day! God Bless!
mercurialgirl wrote: I could kick myself for the number of times that I've let the impulse to stop and visit someone ailing slip by, and before I know it, they have slipped away. You have inspired me to reach past my comfort level, past the fear of intruding or feeling awkward & inadequate, for the blessings that lie beyond! Thank You!

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