Readers Comments
BethAnn wrote: What a fabulous idea!!! Do you mind if I borrow it??? Everyone LOVES chocolate!!! Keep on blessing!
Hope4lisa wrote: Really, really great ideas. And oh the wonderful surprise for whomever gets that coat! Also, you're right.......the Smile Cards ARE a great way to teach my children! Thank you for sharing!
Metta wrote: I love these ideas! These are really neat ways to spread smiles!!!
asdf wrote: these are such amazing ideas! I'm going to go try them myself!!!
bhappy wrote: Super ideas, God Bless you.
Ginny wrote: I bet that you made those people' day by doing that.
optimist wrote: Great ideas... Way to make people smile :)
Jeniffer wrote: Those are great acts of kindess!! And the list of things to do that are free!! Wonderful!! Great Job!!!
aurelia wrote: Lady, I love the idea of leaving money in the pocket of donated clothing with a card attached. I hope it finds itself into hands of someone who truly needs it! A great idea. Aurelia