Stories of Kindness from Around the World

I Used My Smile Cards! :0)

--by ladymez69, posted Apr 9, 2007

I've used Smile Cards three times:

1 & 2 - I live in a secure building which provides 30 apartments. Although I am able to reside here because I have a visual disability, the majority of residents are elderly. One day I randomly picked 2 dates on the calendar and, using the two numbers of the dates selected, I left a nicely wrapped bar of top quality chocolate at their door. Of course, the smile cards were attached, encouraging the receipients to practice their own annonymous act of kindness with someone else.

3 - I donated a warm coat to our local homeless shelter and placed a $20. bill in the pocket. A smile card was attached, along with a typed unsigned note listing acts of kindness that could be performed free of charge.

I LOVE the Smile Cards and think they are a wonderful way to express love for our fellow man, whomever they may be. They are especially helpful in teaching children to do the same.

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Readers Comments

BethAnn wrote: What a fabulous idea!!! Do you mind if I borrow it??? Everyone LOVES chocolate!!! Keep on blessing!
Hope4lisa wrote: Really, really great ideas. And oh the wonderful surprise for whomever gets that coat! Also, you're right.......the Smile Cards ARE a great way to teach my children! Thank you for sharing!
Metta wrote: I love these ideas! These are really neat ways to spread smiles!!!
asdf wrote: these are such amazing ideas! I'm going to go try them myself!!!
bhappy wrote: Super ideas, God Bless you.
Ginny wrote: I bet that you made those people' day by doing that.
optimist wrote: Great ideas... Way to make people smile :)
Jeniffer wrote: Those are great acts of kindess!! And the list of things to do that are free!! Wonderful!! Great Job!!!
aurelia wrote: Lady, I love the idea of leaving money in the pocket of donated clothing with a card attached. I hope it finds itself into hands of someone who truly needs it! A great idea. Aurelia

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