Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Carrier Bag Angel

--by Afriendlysmile, posted Apr 15, 2007
Last Saturday on a shopping trip I noticed a lady with four carrier bags come out of the store and walk to the bus stop.  That particular bus goes my way so I thought I would ask her if she wanted a lift with it being a chilly day and the weekend service being a bit sparce.

She most gladly excepted.  Chatting on the way, she revealed she was a cartaker for her sick husband and elderly mother.  One of the highlights of her week is the flower arranging she does at church. 

Despite the daily grind that this lady had to endure, she had such a positive and cheerful outlook in thinking of others to brighten up their lives with flowers.  It made me think how we are surrounded by angels in the most unexpected forms.   She was so thankful for my little help. I gave her a big hug and said she had made my day.

A big thanks to all caretakers out there.

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Readers Comments

afriendlysmile wrote: Hi
It was meant to say carers,not that caretakers don't do an excellent job lol.
Ginny wrote: Just the simpplest things help make other poeple have great day. Just think if you never asked her for ride. You would have never know what she did or who she was.

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