Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Smile Poems (and my First Smile Card)

--by Aiya, posted Apr 14, 2007
I decided to make cards with smile poems in them, just blank greeting cards I found in the closet. After writing smile poems, I taped smile cards inside. 

My friend and I were walking around town and decided to get coffee at one of those really tiny coffee shops they have randomly around town. The cashier/server was really sweet, like a genuine sweet, not a fake one. So after she gave us our coffee I took out a smile greeting card thing and gave it to her, and told her to read it.

She didn't read it until after she served another customer, giving us time to be far enough away not to see her reaction. More fun that way. :)
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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Aiya, You are off to a good start with your smile cards. Keep up the good work and many others will be smiling because of you. Peace and Happiness.
sleepytomato wrote: What you have done is really awesome. It's nice enough to get a card that says SMILE on it, nonetheless a greeting card that is filled with a message from the heart. Thank you, for being kind!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a great idea with the extra greeting cards you had. I have a bunch and will follow your lead on how to best use them! Thanks!
MakingTheWorldABettaPlace wrote: Cool! This Is Helpfull!
I Am showing all my mates!
Byez x

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