Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by beetoote, posted Jul 28, 2014
I've been kind of semi-unemployed for almost three years. And its becoming easier and easier to cope with this situation. Why? I have a lot of time to meditate.

Having subscribed to KindSpring and other positive and good news pages makes me focus on appreciation and gratitude more so my meditations can be... peaceful and very ordinary uplifting experiences. I get the opportunity to watch if depression wants to step in and choose what I want.

My soul chose to have this experience and probably has been one of the best ones in several lifetimes; to learn to unconditionally be kind and loving to myself always and all-ways. And then, sharing to others is a pleasure.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: "Several lifetimes" :))))). Glad you can be "the Observer" of whatever "passes through". Blessed be.
beetoote wrote: Yep, It's like finally I am getting to that point
beetoote wrote: And at times is not so easy so I have to ignore on what I don't wan't to see and refocus on being present. Practice, practice, practice.
LouiseA wrote: And with an estimated 50% of jobs disappearing in a few decades' time, more people could benefit from this wisdom. It might make the world a much happier place. Thanks for sharing the experience x
cabbage wrote: That is so great---thank you for sharing.

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