Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Karma of Kindness

--by VM, posted Apr 28, 2006
My wife and I were at the bookstore the other day and we were helped by a young woman in finding a book, and something about this woman just told me she needed to get tagged! So my wife wrote a beautiful note addressed "To the woman in the light green sweater and curly, brown hair" with a quote that said "Sometimes our joy is the reason for our smile, and sometimes our smile is the reason for our joy," along with a small box of Godiva chocolates ... We gave it to another employee who read the whole thing and left it for her to come back to. Now they say that in giving we receive, and maybe it was a coincidence, but minutes later, I ran into one of my best friends from high school, who I hadn't seen for about a decade!
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Readers Comments

Alex wrote: Stop it, you're making me cry...and no I'm not being sarcastic. :) If I read to many more of these people are going to spot me for the softy I really am.
Louise wrote: It's about time we all showed our softer side!
Bill Bartlett wrote: I came across a sign in an Amsterdam cycle shop (the one next to the main station). It read "Commit Random Acts of Kindness". I like that idea!
flowerpower wrote: Hooray for good karma!
bookworm58 wrote: Your such a special person, thanks for sharing your story. Gives me ideas of how to help someone else too.

bookworm58 wrote: Your such a special person, thanks for sharing your story. Gives me ideas of how to help someone else too.

bookworm58 wrote: Your such a special person, thanks for sharing your story. Gives me ideas of how to help someone else too.

ha ji won wrote: Its too good i love some story like karma of
Kindness t. Y to all
ha ji won wrote: Its so beautiful and wonderful
TXWildflower wrote: Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us. You have given me another great way to use my smile cards!

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