Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lady on the Pavement

--by guin, posted Apr 16, 2007

I was standing near a store window, waiting for my friend with whom I was supposed to find materials for our college assignment.

I was waiting for quite long, when I noticed an old woman sitting in front of me.  She looked very weak and poor and was rummaging through garbage cans looking for food.

Since many people work as garbage collectors, I thought that maybe she was one such person and didn't want to  degrade her self esteem by asking if she wanted any food.

Our eyes met and I smiled at her.  I don't know why,  but she suddenly came to me and said that she was feeling very hungry and didn't have any money.  It was evident that she wasnt a beggar but just that her circumstances were tough.

I went to a store in the next street and bought her some food that she could eat immmediately, and a bunch of fruit that she could eat over the next few weeks.

She looked very pleased and blessed me, making *me*  feel very happy for a long time.

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Readers Comments

ieiblue wrote: hi guin.. really thoughtful of you.. sacrifice is the true measure of giving... wow.. really wonderful person... :P here's a hug for you.. :P
purplefrenzy wrote: Your kindness makes my heart smile x
warmth wrote: u did a grt act of kindness and achieved loads of karma points in the form of blessings from the lady
Jeniffer wrote: God bless you, many would of looked away or just ignored her, but you opened your heart up and poured out a blessing!! Great job!!!
ADEMI wrote: The bible says "he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed" when you make people happy, you add to their feelings of self importance. Keep it up
LadyK wrote: The Lord does not take one to the ocean unless He knows one can swim! He blesses us so that we may bless others. May we always help those in need whenever we can.
omniscient wrote: :-)
speedi wrote: That was very thoughtful of you,,we never know the circumstances that put a person out onto the streets..Bless you
butterfly wrote: you are such a kind person, i wish there were more people like you. most dont want to get involved with helping people who ask them for money on the street as they think maybe they are being scammed.keep up the great acts of kindness. x
Lulu wrote: Yeah she would have appreciated your kindness, that was really thoughtful and kind. :)

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