Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Jumping in Headfirst

--by handful_of_sky, posted Aug 4, 2014
I stumbled across this website a few days ago and ordered my smile cards immediately, but I couldn't wait for them to get here, so I printed some out at home and have already used several.

Our church has a snack bar available for the high school kids, so I anonymously left an envelope there with ten smile cards and $20 and instructions to pass out the snacks (and smile cards) to the kids for free until the money ran out.

I walk my dogs along a local bike path a few times a week, but today I made a concerted effort to smile and greet everyone I met along the way.

I bought my son an ice cream cone from McDonald's on the way home from school and paid for the order of the car behind me, leaving a smile card to give to the recipient.

I'm new to all this, but I can't wait to see how much more I can do with a little more time and practice!
1671 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Welcome! You didn't waste any time... you dove right in with kindness...terrific ! :)))
jomartin87112 wrote: wow! you dove right in to the deep end! you're doing great
sandyremillard wrote: Wonderful start! Ohh, the world needs more people like you! Welcome to ks and let's enjoy your interventions. Have a lovely monday! Namaste sandy
wavingatyou wrote: Waving at the puppies. Well done! Psssttt they forget to mention it's addictive :)
johnfontaine2222 wrote: I love the idea of paying for the person behind you. I will take that and use it!

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