Stories of Kindness from Around the World

$100 For A $1000 Massage

--by fsmall52, posted Aug 9, 2014
As I lay on the table enjoying my monthly massage, my soul was nourished and renewed. While I felt the caring touch of the massage therapist, I listened to recordings of music reserved only a few centuries ago for royalty and the very rich. Flutes in gentle harmony complemented by delicate piano scales; in my imagination, these gifted artists were performing just for me.

I pay $80 for an hour-long massage. How much is it really worth to me? $500? $1000? I could never afford that amount every month, but if suddenly a massage cost $500 or $1000 at minimum, I realized that I would still save up and get a massage every year or two as a special treat. 

When the massage was finished, I told my massage therapist how grateful I was for her work, how much this time meant to me each month, and that her massages are worth far more than $80 to me--$500 or $1,000, surely. While I can't afford that amount, I paid her an extra $100 this month on the condition that she not put it in the bank or pay her bills with it, but that she spend it on something extraordinary for herself she wouldn't purchase otherwise, like a special article of clothing or something beautiful for her home.

She teared up, not at the gift itself, I think, but at the sentiment behind it. She said she looked forward to dreaming about all the ways she could spend the money, and that she would be sure to tell me about what she ended up deciding on. "You don't have to tell me," I said. "It will give me even more pleasure to tell you," she replied.
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Readers Comments

brindlegirl wrote: You are so beautiful and its so obvious that this gift and act of kindness came straight from your heart and landed in her heart. This gesture of kindness will remain with her a last time. that I know.
debbe530 wrote: What a wonderful gift.
moybean wrote: Thank you for supporting a healer in such a kind way!
peacehunter wrote: as a human being and a holistic healer i thank you :)\
peacehunter wrote: Comment posted!
jomartin87112 wrote: Oh thank you! What a lovely act!
linda__C wrote: What a wonderful surprise for your therapist! A wonderful act of kindness.
woodrose wrote: Thank you ~ i found your kind act very heart warming & uplifting :)

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