Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Difference 20 Minutes Can Make

--by destinydelange, posted Aug 8, 2014
Last Tuesday, a group of cub masters and I spent time teaching a troop of boy scouts about recycling and reusing items. We then spent some time cleaning up around the meeting house and surrounding areas. It was a great experience for the boys because in 20 short minutes, they saw how much of an impact they could have in their world. A gas station owner even came out to thank them and tell them how much he appreciated their efforts. 
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Readers Comments

sandyremillard wrote: Wonderful! Respect towards all including things is something to be taught and applied.
peacehunter wrote: :)
jomartin87112 wrote: Not sure which touches me more - the boys doing the clean-up or the station owner coming out to thank them
lightshade11 wrote: Your actions have helped give these boys a realization that they Can make a difference- and that is what will help them in their and our approaching futures. Thank you for being a part of showing these children that they can make a difference and for making such a big difference in their lives! It is very sweet to hear about these children's kind deeds :) thank you for sharing!

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