Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Small Acts Can Sometimes Be Great Deeds

--by writingmomma, posted Apr 19, 2007

Some times we fail to do a kind deed, because we think it needs to be something big to be considered a kindness. We think we need enormous amounts of time or money to be kind.

I have often been at the mercy of kind strangers and I learn how to be kind from them.

I was once at a grocery store and a lady offered to take my cart back to the store, saying she was going that way anyway. Something so simple, and yet so kind.

Another time, I was at a meeting once were we were asked to stand and put on a robe. I was having trouble tying my robe and it was taking me longer than the others in the meeting. There was a lady behind me, that I noticed had finished with her robe, but she didn't sit down as all the other had done. It wasn't until I had I finished with my robe and sat down that the lady also sat down. Then it struck me, she didn't want me to be the only person left standing. She purposely waited for me to finish before she sat down. I was almost overcome with her small thoughtful act of great kindness.

I never got the opportunity to thank her,  I never learned her name, but she was my kindness angel.  Now when I am in similar situations, I don't race to get done and then stare at all the others who aren't as fast as me, but I wait and sit down with the last person standing, so that they don't feel so all alone.

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Readers Comments

brighteyes wrote: THANKS for reminding us that "small acts can sometimes be great deeds". Love your "Kindness Angel" going to remember that!
sleepytomato wrote: It is really true that even the smallest acts of kindess can really change a person and impact them in ways bigger acts may be unable to. Fortunately there are still people in the world who understand the value of a small yet awesome act of kindness :)
AURELIA wrote: I like that thoughtfulness. I am going to remember that and try to be more aware of my surroundings in that type of situation. I would have never thought of it. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
MsJava wrote: Very kind of her to do, very thoughtful & insightful of you to notice!

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