Stories of Kindness from Around the World

I Gave My First Smile Card!

--by optimist, posted Apr 25, 2007
The RA of my floor at my dorm is an amazing person. Her door is always open, and she's always ready with a ready ear, some great advice, a shoulder to cry on, and some of the best brownies I have ever tasted.

We've really been lucky that, as freshmen, we've had her as a resource and a friend. She's really become like a big sister to all of us. Sometimes I feel that we don't let her know enough how much she means to us, and how much of an impact she's had on our lives. So, when I got my smile cards in the mail, I decided that the first one would go to her.

I wrote a little note with it saying how much we appreciate all that she's done for us, even though we don't always show it. I slipped it under her door this afternoon... I'm waiting to see if any there is any noticeable reaction :D As long as she is smiling, I'll feel good.
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Readers Comments

sleepytomato wrote: It's very cool to have such a sweet RA :) I'm sure she's just as grateful to have such trusting residents like yourself. :)
sleepytomato wrote: Hi Optimist!
I just wanted to let you know how much you inspired me because today I wrote a card and stuck a smile card on it, and taped it to my RA's door. In the card I wrote about how much her kindness and care has meant to me, and how much I appreciated it. Thanks for helping me remember the people behind the scenes :)
optimist wrote: That's great to hear... I'm sure it meant a ton to your RA.

This whole random act of kindness thing is so much fun ;D
PearlyShells wrote: How nice!
warmth wrote: this is really sweet of u
One Kind Act wrote: This is an inspiring story, not only was it a wonderful, thoughtful, act of kindness, it's also inspiring others to be kind as well!

Well Done!
SmileHiClub wrote: Its all about the high you get from making someone feel special, wanted and you get the chance to tell someone that they are appreciated.

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