Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Without Leaving Home

--by brindlegirl, posted Aug 13, 2014
I'm a stay at home mum to three beautiful young boys, and some days I never leave the house!

On these days I always wander how I can do a kind act. But I realize I do them every day. Although not big and even without leaving the house we can still do acts of kindness.

I smiled at other drivers driving my boys to school, I left uplifting and positive comments on people's Facebook status. I played with all my three children and gave them attention rather than do something for me and I walked the neighbor's dog.

Things can be done every day without leaving home.
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Readers Comments

petroskryf wrote: This is so true, reminds me of a a saying about charity begins at home.
jolly wrote: Great idea and god bless for being kind as always :)
Catherine wrote: Great reminder. Thank you.
Dobby wrote: I agree. We often miss the opportunities right in front of us as we can get the notion that the acts for kindness are "out there".
dkholtz wrote: You know . . . sometimes it's hardest to be especially kind to those we're with all the time . . . and love the most.
Mish wrote: All true... kindness is wherever you happen to be....always an opportunity! :))

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