Stories of Kindness from Around the World

In Memory of our Son

--by Kimja, posted Apr 27, 2007

After becomming a recent single mom, that had no family with in 2,000 miles I found myself and my children with no where to spend last Thanksgiving. So I decided to make the best of it.

My kids and I (they were 6 & 9) volunteered at the Salvation Army soup kitchen, handing out meals to the homeless (helped me be grateful that I have what I do) Then I splurged and the three of us went out to a very nice dinner downtown (I was behind on bills, and did not have the money for extra expenses)

We sat down and enjoyed a wonderful meal ... they were impressed how nice it was (not our usual McDonalds). We had decided to eat dessert at home, but when the waiter came over he told me that another family in the dining room wanted to treat us to dessert, the kids were so excited and I was greatful. When we were done (and stuffed) I asked our waiter for the bill (I was guessing it to be around $125.) he came by handed my the bill holder and told me to read the card inside, and that our bill was taken care of.

It had a business card that said "Please except this random act of kindness in memory of our son ____________" I looked at the waiter, who was tearing up..and I started to cry. He was asked not to tell who had paid for our meal and the room was full of seemingly unaware people. I got myself together and the kids and I left.

I think of that moment often! I was very alone and depressed that day, and knowing that someone was wanting to help ment the world to me. I thought it was a wonderful thing to do to remember a loved one by during the holidays...and it is something that truly touched my heart.

If you are a part of that family, I thank you, and your sons name will forever be engraved in my mind.

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Readers Comments

samson95 wrote: Wow, someone was really looking out for you that day! That is one story that will make you look at Thanksgiving in a different way from now on...What a great memory!
aogrn wrote: They must have really been missing their son. Whata lovely legacy.
brighteyes wrote: Your story has me tearing up as I have lost a sister and started a tradition to donate to charities in her remembrance...just got a new idea from you on another RAOAK that I can do in her name...and also know you are not alone...hubby and I moved from CA to CO for a job leaving behind family and close friends...but I am seeing this as an adventure and a way to make some new friends and memories....we still visit as often as possible but I am liking our new will feel more settled once you and kids make some new friends.
karla wrote: This is a wonderful story because unlike the others it is about a kindness you recieved. It is great of you to try pay homage to these people by telling this story.
kennedyjet wrote: Happy Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well to the griving sons family taht treated you to that awesome meal!!! next time eat where you served that meal to the homeless like we do every year its a great feeling and you will enjoy it bigtime!!!
elspeth wrote: What a touching story. It made me cry, too.
anne wrote: I have been trying to think of what to do since my daughter died and i love this. Michelle would love it also. We used to talk about winning the lottery and anonymously helping people. I love this idea!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a wonderful story! Years later it still inspires others and continues to pay forward the kindness!
angelica dizon wrote: It is my son"s 1st anniversary in heaven,& the gift i would like to give him is staying with his family for 3 month,ti reminish the love,joy & happiness he has given us here on earth,jun we love you very much,no one can take your place.

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