Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Gift at a Book Sale

--by aurelia, posted Apr 28, 2007

At work they were having a Book Sale in our Lunch Room. There were many wonderful books for  children, cookbooks and educational books.

I noticed one fellow employee looking at the cookbooks and then putting them back on the rack and saying maybe if she has enough money on payday she'll get the book.  Then a different person came in and was admiring the children's books and she too had to wait until payday. I knew she had 2 little ones at home and money was tight for her. When she left the room, I quickly left enough money and paper clipped a Smile Card and note saying "Some one please use this money to buy a book that you would normally not be able to afford" I taped it to the Book Sale Poster.

When I returned before I went home that night, the money was clipped to an order form and someone did use it.  I'm not sure who ... but I hope it'll make someone SMILE when their book arrives knowing that someone cared enough to share.

1967 Reads

Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a nice thing you did! Great idea to help out some who could use a smile!
monkeyinpajamas wrote: that is truly such a sweet gesture.
keep it up!
warmth wrote: wow This is really really kind of u. I think u r kindness think tank

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