Readers Comments
sleepytomato wrote: I totally agree with you! Unfortunately it usually takes a rough situation to bring everything back into perspective and for us to realize that despite all the bad things that can happen, there is also a good lesson and good people who we can run in to and meet.
Jeniffer wrote: What a great friend! Its so nice to have some of those around!! It was a full circle night of kindness...I love it!! You didn't waste any time paying it forward!!
Aurelia wrote: What a quick thinker you are. You will remember that night for a long time to come. The tollbooth attendant must of enjoyed telling the car behind you what a nice thing you just did.
ADEMI wrote: WOW! What a very nice thing to do. I tell you, things like this will have to happen for us to be convinced we have people arround us who are willing to go all the way for us. I respect your friends' heart despite the inconviniences it might have possed he still went all the way and at such a time. And on your own part you just couldn't wait to pay it forward. I feel different possitively readind this, thanks so much.
purplefrenzy wrote: Its so good to have friends like that, I know I do. And to pass the kind gesture on, I bet you made the day of the person in the car behind you too x
kennedyjet wrote: awesome awesome friend for sure!!!What comes around goes around so you must be just awesome yourself!!!!