Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Final Resting Place

--by lminino, posted Aug 20, 2014
As I left my home this morning, I found three small feathers on my windshield, which I kept in the car.

As I was heading into work, outside in the parking lot, I noticed that there was a dead sparrow on the pavement. She must have been less than a day old since she passed. I know that the ultimate act of kindness would have been to nurse her wounds had it been alive, but at this point, there was only once choice for me.

I put my laptop bag down on the ground and made room by an adjacent flower bed, in between the mound junipers, for her to have her final resting place... It felt right.

I gathered all twigs and leaves that I could find and covered her body.

Thank you little sparrow for your journey in this reality..
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Readers Comments

sandyremillard wrote: Iminimo, you brought tears to my eyes. Such lovely sensitivity! So love meeting people like you! Namaste sandy
Pamala wrote: A simple yet extrodinary gesture speaks volumes to the heart within.
Diane wrote: All creatures great and small, the lord god made them all. The connectedness of all us
dee4xp wrote: Bless you! And r. I . P . Little sparrow.
lminino wrote: Blessed Be!!
beetoote wrote: Caring makes so much good also to the giver.
sue1 wrote: I so appreciate when we as humans show a deep honoring of creatures around us that bless our every day. Thank you for giving this beauteous sparrow a grand resting place. I love sparrows - have you ever sat and watched how they are in flight. We have much to learn from those other than human.
xenahugs wrote: This was so lovely. What an act of dignity and beauty. Thank you.
Mish wrote: Just exquisite ! Blessed be.

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