Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Cookie As A Middle Name

--by dkholtz, posted Aug 21, 2014
Today is the birthday of my elderly (82 years old) friend who has Alzheimer's. 

I make a point of visiting him at least once a month. I wanted to take him a card and a treat for his birthday. So, off I went to the memory care unit with my coffee, the card, and some chocolate chip cookies. 

He always looks so happy to see me (although today was not his best day.) 

So, we were sitting there enjoying our treats while I carried on a mostly one-sided conversation. Just then another resident came wandering over and asked, "Would you have some candy for an old guy?" 

I chuckled and said I didn't have any candy - but I had cookies! 

Then I looked over at one of the staff members to be sure he could have cookies. I don't need my kindness to cause a diabetic episode! 

She assured me it was okay and said that "Cookie" could be his middle name. So, we shared our cookies and more smiles.

It was a very good way to spend my lunch break!
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Readers Comments

mpghome2 wrote: Yes, Love my coffee, too! looks like you had a wonderful day! God bless you for keeping in touch with your friend. Alzheimer's is a terrible disease. He may not always remember you or things you have done together, but he will never forget the feel of friendship.
dkholtz wrote: So far he still recognizes me when I visit. I am thankful for every day I have that . . . I know that recognition will be taken eventually.
vitalreiki wrote: Coffee in itself is a big kindness! Delish.

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