Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Anonymous Letter

--by bluqtgyrl, posted May 3, 2007
My sister is in her second to last year of college, she is getting her Master's Degree in accounting. She and her group (Beta Alpha Psi) were preparing a presentation for a competition and she was so stressed out I thought she was going to break. She thought the presentation wasn't good enough and that her team wouldn't win first place.

I couldn't do anything but watch her break down from the pressure. So I decided to make her a card and write her a letter. In the letter, I told her that it's okay  if she didn't win, because knowing that she put all her heart and effort into it, she has already won. I anonymously placed the card on her desk.

That same night, she came up to me and hugged me. Even though I didn't sign the card, she knew it was me. She thanked me for the card and motivation. Her smile was absolutely delightful to see.

That weekend I wished her good luck and break a leg at the presentation. And her team got first place.  =]
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Readers Comments

smilingtofu wrote: aww! that was really sweet of you! i bet that made your sister's wonderful day.
jan wrote: That was so kind of you to do that for your sister. I am sure your card lifted her spirits and helped her win. She felt really good getting your note. She also knew that you believed in her too.
Metta wrote: That was very sweet of you! :)
brighteyes wrote: Loved your story and glad you wrote her that letter....some times we lose sight of the fact that our compassion and love and our honesty and efforts are a more important goal than winning first're lucky to have a sister and she is lucky to have one as kind and thoughtful as you! ;)
Lovebug wrote: I have to agree with brighteyes, we do lose the fact, that compassion and love and honesty is more important then winning, hope you will remain compasionate, kind and honest, you are a winner, even though it may be only, a personal oppinion, never lose the compassion.

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