Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Seventy Necklaces With A Note

--by steen, posted May 5, 2007

This past summer I had attened a retreat, where we created a Peace Project.  About 60 of us all scattered through out Chicago, recently met for the last retreat.  The night before the retreat, my close friend and I made my peace project come alive; we made over 70 necklaces that we handed out to everyone with personal note.

Here are the descriptions of the 7 different colored beeds:

  • The color that chose you is green. Green- asking you to see the victory over dullness, to have hope, and to find happiness throughout your life. What is asked of you is to wear the necklace as a reminder of what it symbolizes. If you are ever asked what this necklace symbolizes or means you are to pass this necklace forward to whom ever because they are being called to it. Then have them tie a knot to symbolize the journey of small pieces of peace on a string.
  • The color that chose you is blue. Blue- asking you to meditate on your loyalty to life everlasting through God. What is asked of you is to wear the necklace as a reminder of what it symbolizes. If you are ever asked what this necklace symbolizes or means you are to pass this necklace forward to whom ever because they are being called to it. Then have them tie a knot to symbolize the journey of small pieces of peace on a string.
  • The color that chose you is white. White- asking you to be peaceful and faithful while being pure of heart. What is asked of you is to wear the necklace as a reminder of what it symbolizes. If you are ever asked what this necklace symbolizes or means you are to pass this necklace forward to whom ever because they are being called to it. Then have them tie a knot to symbolize the journey of small pieces of peace on a string.
  • The color that chose you is yellow. Yellow- asking you to see the goodness in life because of the good treasures of the earth. What is asked of you is to wear the necklace as a reminder of what it symbolizes. If you are ever asked what this necklace symbolizes or means you are to pass this necklace forward to whom ever because they are being called to it. Then have them tie a knot to symbolize the journey of small pieces of peace on a string.
  • The color that chose you is brown. Brown- asking you to be honest about who you are. What is asked of you is to wear the necklace as a reminder of what it symbolizes. If you are ever asked what this necklace symbolizes or means you are to pass this necklace forward to whom ever because they are being called to it. Then have them tie a knot to symbolize the journey of small pieces of peace on a string.
  • The color that chose you is red. Red- asking you to have the courage to have divine love of the Holy Spirit even if it entitles you to have self sacrifice of yourself. What is asked of you is to wear the necklace as a reminder of what it symbolizes. If you are ever asked what this necklace symbolizes or means you are to pass this necklace forward to whom ever because they are being called to it. Then have them tie a knot to symbolize the journey of small pieces of peace on a string.
  • The color that chose you is orange. Orange- asking you to see each person as brothers and sisters in spirit. What is asked of you is to wear the necklace as a reminder of what it symbolizes. If you are ever asked what this necklace symbolizes or means you are to pass this necklace forward to whom ever because they are being called to it. Then have them tie a knot to symbolize the journey of small pieces of peace on a string.
If you dig the idea, I would be honored if you replicated the same exercise.  It's very meaningful!
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Readers Comments

afriendlysmile wrote: Hi steen

Wow what a great idea, a lot of thought and effort must have gone into that. Brilliant.

Afriendlysmile :)
bluqtgyrl wrote: niceeee! i'm sure the necklaces look beautiful!
myturn wrote: I dig the idea and plan on replicating it in saint louis. Great Idea I LOVE It!!!
litbit wrote: This is awesome!!! Would you mind providing instructions on how to make the necklaces?

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