Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Surrendering "The Right Of Way" Every Time

--by fsmall52, posted Aug 26, 2014
Since I knew I'd be driving a fair amount today, I decided to surrender the "right of way" to anyone who requested it: any driver seeking to enter the traffic flow, anyone in oncoming traffic waiting to make a left turn, any pedestrian seeking to cross the street. It was a blast!

At first, traveling on the interstate, I had few opportunities to practice this form of kindness. Access to the highway is limited, and of course at high speed it can be hazardous to slow unexpectedly to yield the right of way.

Once I was back in the city, I had so many chances, and I found myself eagerly looking forward to them. Instead of pressing every advantage and insisting on my right of way, as I usually do, I happily waved others in front of me, blinking my headlights for emphasis. It was so delightful to see their relief, and I received several smiles and waves in return.

I hope this is the beginning of a new habit. Of course, I'll need to allow a little extra time so I'm not so rushed--which will be a blessing all its own!
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Readers Comments

lightshade11 wrote: I'm sitting here on max smiles trying to hit the smile button every time I come across this story again :P that's an incredible choice and transformation you've made and I'm sure you made a lot of people's days besides ours :)
jomartin87112 wrote: most excellent!
sandyremillard wrote: Bet you felt great. The satisfaction of giving and creating pleasant moments for others is so rewarding! Nice practice. Namaste. Sandy

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