Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by shelleypants, posted Sep 8, 2014
I bought some potted chrysanthemums and my daughter and I went "ding-dong-ditching" with them. 

Ding-dong-ditch is a game where children ring a door-bell and run away. In our version we left the potted "mums" on a neighbor's doorstep. We don't know the neighbor but she appears to be going through chemotherapy and we hope our little surprise brought a smile to her face. 
740 Reads

Readers Comments

hugaplanet wrote: Really thoughtful!
michelelpurcel wrote: Great story. You probably really made her day! :) keep it going. :)
mel37865 wrote: Cool idea!
Mish wrote: "Ding don't ditched"!!!!! So cute..... love this phrase!!! :)))))))))
jomartin87112 wrote: what a lovely surprise for your neighbor

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