Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Bus Ride

--by Babygirl, posted May 9, 2007

This morning I waited for the bus as usual and even though it was warm outside I took a light jacket with me because I always get cold. So this morning was the same as always, wait on the bus, catch the bus and listen to my music as I wait to arrive at my stop.

This morning as we went along I've started to watch others that ride the bus with me and we are all pretty much the same.

A young man got on the bus at one of the stops and when he sat down he pulled his arms into his shirt because he was cold. Now this new person looked like he could use some help so as we arrived at my stop I cleaned out the pockets of my jacket and as I got off the bus I handed it to him and told him that it would keep his arms warm.

I then told the bus driver to have a nice day and went to work.

I don't know what happened to this young man but I can only hope that he arrived to where ever he was going and that he used the jacket because I know it always kept me warm when I needed it, the only difference is this time someone else needed it more than I did.

1964 Reads

Readers Comments

sleepytomato wrote: That is a really nice gesture! I usually have the urge to do something like this, but always find it awkward at times and decide against it. However, you have inspired me and I'll be sure to think of you the next time the opportunity arises :)
pennz wrote: Wow that takes courage like sleepytomato I too have had the urge to give like that, after all they are just material things ... the joy truely is in the giving, I reckon you were just as warm thinking of the good deed you'd just done! Awesome!

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