Stories of Kindness from Around the World

World of Cellphones and iPods

--by guin, posted May 12, 2007

I was sitting on the bus, waiting for it to start to begin the second half of my two hour commute home.

The woman(a stranger) next to me and her daughter seemed to be extremely agitated.  She told me that her daughter had fallen sick and was vomiting continuosly; and in the meantime, she had lost her purse, in the confusion of taking the bus.

Although the purse had a significant amount of money, it also had a very important phone number of an official, a person that she travelling 90 kilometeres to meet for discussing a pressing matter.

I handed her my cell phone without any hesitation and told her she could make any call that she wanted.  I also gave her the packets of mineral water I had in my bag to relieve her daughter of her sickness.

The mother and daughter, after making several calls, turned to me with grateful faces, and thanked me profusely.  The woman tried to pay for my ticket, but I jumped to do it before her since I knew she had lost a large sum and wasn't rich by any standards.

Today I received a call from them saying that they can't tell me how much my gesture of kindness touched them.  They were so thoughtful that they had taken down my number to thank me.

I was astounded to be thanked in this hearftelt way , and I thought of how many opportunities for kindness we lose out on by plugging onto our cellphones and i-pods and being disconnected from the reality around us.

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That was great of you to do and very nice to receive the call. People always appreciate kindness but it is wonderful when they do something about it too! Way to go!
lovebug wrote: I do think about how we miss opportunities to be kind. We are attached at the hip with this need to communicate. My husband pays extra for my phone, he wants to beable to reach me at anytime. He seldom calls because he knows were I am. This has become apart of my own calling, not being able to give real help to those in need, but I do extend my phone and tell them, it does not cost me anything, my husband has already paid the bill
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi guin
That was real cool of you,can just imagine what a state that lady must have been in,to have a sick child and lose her purse.

You must have appeared like a helping angel.

Keep on spreading that sunshine.

Go smiling

Metta wrote: That was very nice of you to be so helpful and kind; and thinking to give your own water--very nice indeed!
aogrn wrote: Alot of times the cell phone is VERY handy,but i would rather talk with folks face to face, even when we disagree!!
I hope your day is ever so goood!!!!

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