Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Just Doing Her Job

--by jacqueline, posted May 15, 2007

A staff member at a local public swimming pool was just doing her job yesterday...

*ensuring all swimmers were safe by telling them not to throw people from their shoulders and into the water

*checking sauna/spa users had paid

*keeping loud music at reasonable volume for all users

*checking facilities were safe and clean at all times

...and all I could see were users glancing at her like she was a drag -- as if she was spoiling their fun.  It was sad to see because that is her role.  If she didn't follow through with her role then there would be chaos and danger.  She could sense the negative energy from the users which gave her a very straight face.  No smile - no expression whatsoever.

While in the changing room she appeared with the hose and scrubbing brush.  I have been to several public pools around the city and the cleanliness is shocking so I paid her compliment for keeping the facilities looking fabulous and smelling good.  Her face beamed with a great big smile as if to say "finally some one who appreciates my work!".

It's so true that "being vocal in times of beauty" can make a massive difference in someone's day.

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Readers Comments

kylierose16 wrote: I'm sure she'll remember that for a long time :-) Good on you :-)
AURELIA wrote: Jacqueline, Good of you to speak up and let the worker know that her efforts were appreciated. Something as easy as a little compliment can turn someone's day around. ~Aurelia
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi Jacqueline

It makes the world go round so much easier if we take a little time to thank people for their efforts.

Thanks for taking the time.

Afriendlysmile :)
Khosto wrote: Hi Jacqueline

Observing one's duty and giving them a compliment is a way of incouraging them to be more productive, you are fo good heart, keep it up.

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