Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Is The Key

--by carey442, posted May 19, 2007
I was driving home from work, and as I passed a little blue car that had just pulled out of a gas station, I noticed something big and shiny on the trunk. 

The passenger had left a huge key ring full of keys on the trunk. 

I yelled and got their attention, they looked at me like I was crazy.  :) They pulled over and got the keys off of the trunk.

Can you imagine wracking your brain trying to retrace your tracks to see find them and then the hassle of getting new house or work or car keys made? 

If you see me and my keys are on my car, holler at me, please!
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Readers Comments

writingmomma wrote: I will, and thank you for helping someone else.
AURELIA wrote: Good for you! That really would have been a hassel for them to try to figure out what they did with the keys if you hadn't been persistent with them. ~Aurelia
ieiblue wrote: carey... carry on... :P
zidlore wrote: You saved them from trouble! Nice! I loss some things everytime, and it gives me a real headache.

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