Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Choose to Care

--by bluqtgyrl, posted Sep 23, 2015
We're encouraged to be nice to other people. However, most people forget to be nice to their environment. Global warming is quite a big issue today in the 21st century. All around us we see the terrible effects, with even more to come.

Pollution causes greenhouse gases to stay in Earth's atmosphere, increasing the temperature of the globe, melting glaciers in the north and south, causing abnormal weather behavior. Changed weather also promotes wildfires, diseases and crop failure through droughts and floods.

There are some simple things you can do everyday to help preserve the Earth, prevent the extinction of animals such as the polar bear, and make earth a better place to live for you, your children, and future generations to come.

Tons and tons of carbon dioxide are emitted by cars everyday, contributing to the climate crisis. We need to take action NOW to help slow down or even eliminate this problem. 

   There are many ways to help reduce global warming. Some ways are to carpool, take public transportation, bike, or walk. This saves you gas and money. I walk or bike whenever I can. It's very good exercise as well. If I have to go to a place and I can't walk, I'll take the public transportation. I've very glad that the City of New York has decided to use hybrid buses. 

  I also try to encourage friends and family to do the same in order to reduce CO2 emissions. If everyone did something to help, together we can make a difference. 
  For more information, please visit the site,  

I'd like to thank everyone for reading this post, for letting me share, and for caring. THANK YOU.
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Readers Comments

ieiblue wrote: yeah.. being nice to what mother nature fully deserves!!!! :P
butterfly wrote: you are very mindful and caring. thank you.
lovebug wrote: Life is like a speeding bullet, there is only a limited amount of time for anyone of us. The time I do have at the end of the day,I try to utilize to beaware of how I can as an individual help to save our planet from global warming. I watch the Tv and come out into cyper space to try to get a starting point. I have to accept that I am just like everyone else, My time is used up by daily living, I seem to waste a lot of time with experts that tell me, we have to do something. However so far I have not stumbled onto the path of another human who can tell me the facts, in just 5 minuets of time that I do have to pursue in finding out what I can do to help. Fear is the culpret, we try to fix something that is broke and unless we have 24 hours to devote to it, we can't find a starting point.
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi bluqtgyrl

I agree with you global warming is one of the most important issues facing the world today.

My son aged 14 is the climate change champion for the north-east of England. He attends meetings around the country. He has been to London on several occasions and met Tony Blair or Prime Minister at Downing Street.

We went to Switzerland to see how climate change is affecting the glaciers.

Glaciers that have been there for thousands of years will be gone in the next 50 years at the present rate of melting. So action is urgently needed.

If everyone does a little it can make a big difference.


We only have one earth we have to look after it.


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