Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Eating a Kindness Meal!

--by Roxilla, posted May 20, 2007
Every week I cook up a big pot of lentil stew for my lunch each day. I add brown and red lentils, brown rice, split peas, and also fry up onion, garlic, tomato, mushrooms, peppers, soya mince and spices. This ensures I have a power meal, which is vital for me as I am very active.

Anyway, last week I was bringing a container of this super stew to work, and as I left my apartment I saw an elderly lady sitting on the sidewalk.

At first I walked past, but then something made me turn back. I gave her my apple, then realised that while I could afford to buy myself lunch, she couldn't. I gave her the container of lentils, which made me feel just as full somehow as if I'd just eaten a huge meal.

In a way I guess I had - a Kindness Meal!
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Readers Comments

ieiblue wrote: go girl!!! so nice gesture of you.. God bless :P
Windtalker wrote: How nice. I'll bet it had been a long time since she had a nice, healthy home cooked meal.
butterfly wrote: you are very generous. i would love to give away my lunch, you have inspired me. thank you.
brighteyes wrote: WOW...what a wonderful idea! I have made food for people at work as I am Italian and some many love homemade meatballs, lasagna, etc. Soup to me is comfort food and I loved your comment that you had a "Kindness Meal". You inspired me to give this a try too.
Roxilla wrote: Aw, thanks everyone! I guess this made me realize that things that we almost take for granted can be bigger than we think.

Hope you all enjoy your Kindness Meals as much as I did! :-)
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi Roxilla

It takes a special person to share their own food.

Go smiling.

Afriendlysmile :)
Meagaleg wrote: How sweet of you!
jan2008 wrote: It is funny that you mentioned lentils.
I have been hearing how good lentils are for you, health wise. One teacher at my job just last week bought in a lentil dish she had made, she cooked the lentils then mashed them so that they were dry enough to put in wraps and cut them, talk about something good. She shared the lentil wraps with a few of us. As an act of kindess, she was repaying my assistant and I for watching a few of her students at work because she had to attend a funeral the day before. Today I decided to cook and make lentil soup. I shared the lentil soup with my husband and he was grateful to get the tasty soup before his main meal. Thank you for sharing. I am thinkng about cooking more lentil soup this week and sharing at work.

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