Stories of Kindness from Around the World

We Made A Difference Through Our Day Of Giving!!!!

--by brighteyes, posted May 23, 2007

I love it here in CO and in my new town which boasts a "small town atmosphere and attitude"!.  Everyone waves, smiles and says "hello" and there seems to be a real community focus.

One of my friends gave me an invitation from her church to participate in a Neighborhood Community Day of Giving. I am not of her faith but she said everyone is welcome so I accepted.

The invitation listed the projects and what supplies were needed and you could bring in advance or with you to the church. (The church also provided some of the materials and supplies for those willing to volunteer their time but not able to afford the expense). Everyone gives what they can whether time, money or materials and goods!

When we arrived we were greeted by the church coordinator of the project  with "welcome, smiles and some hugs". She spoke then other sharing  inspirational wisdom and prayers.

First project I worked on was making fleece blankets for the Linus Project. I bought several yards and my tools and joined many others at the tables provided cutting and knotting no-sew blankets for the hurricane victims. We chatted non-stop and with the help of a partner finished 6 in an hour and a half...time flies when you are having fun (plus we imagined how happy these blankets would make those receiving them).

I scout out stuffed animal and buy them on them away at Christmas or to charity as needed....I had several small teddy bears and some bunnies left from Easter so I brought those along to be given to the Hurricane Katrina or Tusanami children that lost everything...I knew they would love a warm fuzzy blanket and a soft, cuddly stuffed animal to hug and they would both provide comfort to help them heal.

Next was the arts and crafts table where there were backpacks, tote bags, duffle bags and supplies; some of boys and others for girls. Our goal was to decorate as many bags as possible which others would be filling with a toilet bag, some toys, clothes, etc for children in shelters who had to leave home suddenly with nothing but th clothes they wore due to abusive situations at home.

Third project was a table to make cards; all types like birthday, get well, sympathy, inspirational, thinking of you, to name a few. Colored construction paper, crayons, magic markers, stencils, stick-up's and more were available at the table. Everyone was to  decorate as many cards as we wanted. One gal wrote in script and others shared some poems or prose to write inside. These cards were slotted for hospitals, nursing homes, shelters for people who no had family or support systems.

Out to my car, I brought in old clothes, linens, towels, books, and food I had collected from the neighbors or provided myself. The food was for our local Food Bank, the books to be passed out at schools, libraries and a local program for those learning to read who could not afford books. The linens, towels, clothes were for the tusamni victims.

By this time, the day was almost over ...though very tired, I felt good...I mean  really did everyone participating....there were smiles galore and much laughter and feels good...what a high!

What an honor I feel to be able to live in a neighborhood of warm, loving and generous souls! Met and made many new friends that day....maybe you can organize one in your town, church or school. We had kids, adults and elderly come together that day working together for the common good. What a better place this world would be if more of these Days of Giving occurred.

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Brighteyes, Wow, what a busy day. Someone was very organized to put together such a great day of giving.
Good for you and the best part was that you did for others and made friends while you were doing it. ~Aurelia
ieiblue wrote: hey bright!!!! so wonderful... i hope in the coming years I would be able to participate in these kinds of activities...thank you so much for the ideas.. :P
nerissa wrote: Wow it must have been wonderful. One rich lady shared her experience with me that she only experienced true happiness when she started using her money and time to help others or to make a difference in someone`s life. I have since since found out that its true. Thank you for the brilliant ideas you shared. I will use them soon.
halo2pc wrote: Very true! There are so many people with a heart of gold. You realize that at a occasion like this for example.
It just becomes so obvious because of the many idiots you meet as well.
aogrn wrote: I know when I have had a busy day of helping others I sleep SOOOOOOOOOOO well
You are an angel on earth!

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