Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Ellen's Great Hospitality

--by t75dkm3, posted May 24, 2007
On a business trip, a group of us were having dinner at our hotel.

Our server overheard us talking about changing to a hotel closer to the Airport for our early flights out.  It was a bit slow so our server said she could help us, and we thought OK, go ahead.  How could it hurt? 

She came back with a list of 5 hotels, 2 of which were sold out, one was kind of a cheap hotel, one only had 3 rooms, and one that would work.  We were stunned.  After dinner she even went to the front desk with us and called the one hotel that fit our needs so that we could make the necessary arrangements for our transfer. 

Technically speaking, she was losing business but she was more interested in helping us as human beings than treating us as business clients.

Thanks you, Ellen.  You went above and betond your normal duties!
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Readers Comments

aogrn wrote: She was more interested in quality not quantity. I would love to work with her
lovebug wrote: I have asking the question lately, what makes people kind, is it genetic, do we learn it from our parents, do we get it from our air, water or trees. The older I get, the more I realize, kindness has always existed, I was to ignorant to recognize it.
AURELIA wrote: Isn't strange how we almost don't trust someone when they try to help us out. We can think they are tricking us or something. Ellen definitely went above and beyond for you all. ~Aurelia
ieiblue wrote: coz sometimes we encounter the world's harshness that we tend to be very cautious of other people.. but it's never too late to imagine that as long we keep on doing kindness...ripple effect may after all be in effect already.. :P

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