Stories of Kindness from Around the World

What's Great About A Smile?

--by JZ, posted May 29, 2007
Smiles Can Fly...Give it a Try!

A smile is a curve
that sets everything straight.

It costs nothing, but is worth much.

It enriches whoever receives it,
without impoverishing the one who gives it.

It lingers for just a moment,
but its effects can last for a lifetime.

No one is so rich or mighty
that he can endure without it,
and no one is so poor or miserable
that he cannot be uplifted by it.

A smile brings joy to the home,
creates good will in business,
makes friendships flourish,
and brightens the day
of passing strangers.

It gives hope to the discouraged,
sunshine to the weary,
and for a few precious moments
it can ease the mightiest of burdens.

Yet it cannot be bought, begged,
borrowed or stolen,
for a smile has no value to anyone
until it is given away.

A smile travels quickly.

It is the closest distance between people.

It is the light on a face
that tells you someone is at home.

So, if ever you should meet someone
who is too tired to give you a smile,
please give them one of yours;
for no one needs a smile more
than the person who has none to give.
And no one can be unhappy,
while sharing a smile.
1682 Reads

Readers Comments

brighteyes wrote: JZ-Hi! I collect poems, inspirational and some stories and I love this smile poem...its a "keeper" and one to "share".
Smiles from Brighteyes ;)
wings wrote: nice.

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