Readers Comments
ieiblue wrote: warmth.. i kept reading your posts... :P I've read this a couple of times.. but I can't helping crying each time I read it... :P
ADEMI wrote: This is really touching, Really really touching. What a fate to accept. This story really broke me to humility. Thanks for sharing.
ADEMI wrote: This is really touching, Really really touching. What a fate to accept. This story really broke me to humility. Thanks for sharing.
Aurelia wrote: How brave of the young boy. He must of had a wonderful mom teaching him. That you for sharing this sad yet uplifting story. ~Aurelia
vicky wrote: The boy really gave his mother the best gift to cherish in heaven.
brighteyes wrote: Inspiration and hope are wonderful gifts which should be cultivated in everyone....glad the boy kept at it even with a teacher that did not motivate him....his inspiration was definitely from him Mom and how wonderful that he gave the best performance to honor his Mom knowing she could finally hear...its definitely a tear jerker but worth reading.
astrocrazy2005 wrote: dis story brings tears to my eyes...
So much of love ..for mom is amazing ..
So much of love ..for mom is amazing ..
aogrn wrote: The power of love and committment
chasysueboo wrote: I cried when I read this. Sometimes we asume things about people not knowing the whole story. I Try to remember that some people have a hard time and maybe that's why they are rude or unpleaseant.
sleepytomato wrote: This is such a beautiful story. Incrediby heartwarming and touching :) Thank you for sharing :)