Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Power Of A Smile

--by sleepytomato, posted Jun 1, 2007

I was in line to get dinner one day, and for some reason, the pasta line was extremely long. 

As I waited I started looking around, I started watching the girl who was making the pasta.  She was doing everything with a lot of skill, but with no enthusiasm.  Looking at her face, I could tell that there was probably a lot on her mind because she looked so sad, so sullen.

When it was my turn, I gave her my order and for some reason she looked up at me, straight in the eyes.  I smiled and even she couldn't even help smiling just a little bit.  I started talking to her while she was preparing my meal and her face brightened up little by little.  When she was done, she handed me my plate and I smiled to her, saying, "Thank you." 

She looked at me and smiled back - a real smile. 

I'm glad that even though my act of kindness was small, it was able to change so much for one person. :)

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Sleepytomato, Keep Smiling!! It does make a difference and will most definitely cause the person to smile back!!! Good Work. ~Aurelia
smilingtofu wrote: haha tomato!
that's one thing wonderful about you is because you're nearly always smiling!!!
that sure made the girl's day awesome.

smile smile smile.. hmm, they should really make a song about it..
brighteyes wrote: Sleepytomato:

Smiles are like laughter, both are contagious and uplifting....keep smiling and laugh as much as possible.
It lightens our dispositions and is
truly the best medicine!
ieiblue wrote: Sleepy!!!.. kip on smiling!!!! no matter what happens.. heheheehhe... :P
zidlore wrote: seeing smiling people are refreshing! Keep smiling! (Be sure to brush your teeth regularly too!)
Nickgrand wrote: Thank you for shearing!! God bless!

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