Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Be A Bone Marrow Donor!

--by hiloecho, posted Jun 3, 2007
We recently had a bone marrow drive in our community. I have been an organ donor on my driver's license for years but had not given being a bone marrow donor much thought.

When I told some friends, they were apprehensive about getting their fingers poked with something sharp for the blood draw. I thought a little pain would be worth it if it saved someone's life.

To my surprise you do not get poked in the finger rather you take 4 cotton swabs and you swab the inside of your cheek top and bottom left and right side. This is to avoid any cross contamination by having another swab your mouth. It's fast and painless and you can update your information such as a new address or phone number online at any time.

I would encourage all who have not registered to look into doing so!
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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Hiloecho, My sister is here today because someone was a donor. She recieved a liver 2 1/2 years ago and I am so happy for people like you who care enough to be a donor! I never was until this happened to our family. Good for you to pass the word about bone marrow. You Make me SMILE :) Aurelia
Babygirl wrote: Hiloecho, I did the same thing on Good Friday, they said it would take up to 3 months for them to run the dna but I'm praying that by that time that I'll be one of the few who will be a match for one of our fellow brothers or sisters. Life is so precious and it's a blessing when you can share the gift of life with another. Keep us posted.
ieiblue wrote: Hilo... never been one.. but I do want to become one.. :p hopefully when I get back home I'll find organizations who can show me how to become a donor... :P
hiloecho wrote: Aurelia
Thanks for the good news. We lost my wife's sister recently because we couldn't find a donor match.

It is so easy for us to help others, Bless you for caring

Until the marrow drive I had never considered being a donor, hopefully others will get on the list and possibly make a difference in someone's life, Bless you
brighteyes wrote: You made me smile and thank God for people like you...I have donated blood many times and always felt great but have not registered for bone marrow. I too, am a donor and its listed on my license and my hubby and family know how strongly I feel...I even inspired my hubby to become a donor recently too. Kudos to you!
aogrn wrote: I wanted to be a cost 100 dollars in the US to be does not cover harvesting or the surgery if you are a match. It can even be considered an unnecessary surgery.
If there are other means please let me know.
hiloecho wrote: aogrn

Not sure about it costing $ in the US. Try this the National Bone Marrow Registry to see when they might be doing a drive in your area.
Nickgrand wrote: Thank you for shearing!! God bless!

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