Readers Comments
brighteyes wrote: I once heard somewhere they we should always acknowledge and greet one another as that validates them and us. It's such a small gesture with a HUGE impact....also greeting, smiling and looking into anothers is important....I have noticed its so hard to always do this...especially when you feel the discomfort from them...but I am trying to greet and smile at everyone I meet or pass by...I know I love the acknowledgement too...toodles
ieiblue wrote: hi supersaladgirl...know what?.. your story uplifts's as if I was the little girl whom you smiled... thanks so much.. :P
AURELIA wrote: Supersaladgirl, A smile on your face being passed on to someone who didn't seem to have much to be smiling about until she had to opportunity to Give one BACK to YOU!!! :) Isn't it amazing how simple it is but very important to do. I pray your brother is better and doesn't have to go back to the hospital anytime soon ~Aurelia
warmth wrote: i m glad that in such a situation too u have been really kind. Keep up the good work
Nickgrand wrote: Thank you for shearing!! God bless!