Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Wallet of an Old Man

--by SmileHiClub, posted Jun 8, 2007

There I was, a sole-parent, walking down the street. The week had been hard and today was full with bill paying and running errangs.

As I walked the street, with my head down deep in thought, I noticed something unusual in the gutter. Moving towards the object, I realised it was a wallet. I picked it up and immediately looked up and around for the first time that day.

The street was bare with only one shop -- Guidedogs for the Blind.  Standing there, my first thought was that perhaps someone would return to claim the wallet.  But after a while, I realized I needed to be proactive. 

I opened the wallet to find a name or some identification.  While looking through it, I noticed something like $400, all neatly stacked in fifty dollar notes!   I eventually found a name but no phone number or address.   My only clue was that this man was a senior and the money was probably his pension for a fortnight.

Armed with a name I walked into the nearby Guidedogs for the Blind Shop.

All alone in the corner was an elderly man with a walking stick, who looked like he had taken a fall. As I approached him, he looked up at me, still a bit shaken, and said, "Hello."  I asked him his name and indeed it matched the name in the wallet! 

I returned his wallet and his eyes lit up he shook my hand and through tear filled eyes he said, "Thank-you sweetie! Hope you have a nice day today."

I did have a beautiful day. The sky was brilliant blue and I smiled all day to know that I had returned that wallet and helped that man. It doesn't have to cost anything to help someone and it allows you to reap rewards that aren't always material.

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Readers Comments

Nickgrand wrote: Thank you for shearing!! God bless!
bibirose wrote: Never having met you I would say you aspire an awe-inspring character of generosity, kindness, perserverance, integrity, diligence & one who has a profound love for people. God bless you richly.
bibirose wrote: Never having met you I would say you aspire an awe-inspring character of generosity, kindness, perserverance, integrity, diligence & one who has a profound love for people. God bless you richly.
Nerissa wrote: You certainly restored my faith in humanity. God bless you and thank you very much.
Dr Siddiqui wrote: Deep down in our souls,the eternal yearning is to reach out and be helpful.
It was your lucky day and it did fill two hearts with profound joy and brightness.Add to it the joy of sharing your experience and the light of human kindness shines a bit brighter as it glows in so many hearts.
The next step is to conciously reach out and help,do a good deed or simply avoid hurting someone.
unkown wrote: wow thats really cool what you did. I know how it feels I'f I lost somthing very very very close to me. Tht was a very nice thing to do.
Black_raven wrote: People like you make this world a better place to live in.
ihaveneatstuff wrote: I saw a news segmant where only 20-some percent of people who find money or items of value try to return said items. You should be proud of yourself!
pinkie wrote: As the Beatles said, "The love you make is equal to the love you take"
Congratulations and thank you!

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