Stories of Kindness from Around the World

For A Little Superhero

--by MakeSomeoneSmile, posted Jun 10, 2007

I was talking with a woman in my office who has a son near the same age as my little 5 year old boy. I was telling her how much my son loved his Superman pajamas with a detachable cape. She laughed and told me how much her little boy would love something like that. She looked for weeks and then asked me again where I got it. She was not able to find any more there.

She loves her son so much that I decided I would find another one somewhere! Sure enough, in the age of the internet, I was able to find one on-line and have it shipped to me. The other morning I put in on her chair so she would find it when she came in to the office. She was so excited and touched that I found one for her son. I was so happy to make her and her little boy smile.

I get updates all the time on her little superhero. I'm just glad I was able to find the outfit and make them both smile!

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Readers Comments

LucyStar wrote: How kind of you to go out of your way to make her little boy (and her! ) happy!
denim1951 wrote: it is so wonderful to see how people are a blessing to others in their lives. I enjoy being a blessing to someone every week. It turns out to be a blessing to me too.
JuneBug wrote: Oh, how cute! What a nice thing you did! Children are so easy to please!
karma wrote: little things mean so much , things like that are so touching to hear !
mercurialgirl wrote: Your story made me smile! I too can picture my 2 little boys in their "superman" costumes, with their little sister, just behind in her "supergirl" outfit!! My little ones are now 20, 22, & 24 years old, those memories are some of the most carefree, precious times. Thank You for sharing!!
Black_raven wrote: Thats just sweet. Brought a smile to my face. Its good to know that there are still people like you out there. Stay happy.
MissKK wrote: Sweet!
guin wrote: wow that would have really been great
tequilla_r wrote: wow amazing
gwenmari1029 wrote: you're their superhero. what you did was very good and so touching. may you be bless in more ways.

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