Readers Comments
afriendlysmile wrote: Big hi MakeSomeOnesmile
WOW that awesome, to go so much trouble for that little boy and his mum.I can feel the excitement and joy that you gave them.
Lots of smiles.
WOW that awesome, to go so much trouble for that little boy and his mum.I can feel the excitement and joy that you gave them.
Lots of smiles.
brighteyes wrote: How wonderfully thoughtful of you to search, buy and give her little boy the PJ's of his're on my hero list today as well!
Smiles from Brighteyes
Smiles from Brighteyes
Mose wrote: Thoughtful and kind. You deserve to feel good.
pearlyshells wrote: How sweet & so thoughtful.
Flowers wrote: That's lovely and very thoughful. Good on you :)
jan2008 wrote: Very good it makes you feel good to see some one else happy. It is so good to see the person smile.
irongrace wrote: Its makes one feel so good when they can give someone else something they are longing for . thankyou for taking the extra effort to find it.
astrocrazy2005 wrote: Suprises r always fun...
lovebug wrote: I can only hope my mind will become as quick as yours. You must have a beautiful mind.
ivan wrote: that to me was amazing, I put myself in your shoes because I too love to make people happy. You should be really proud of yourself......