Stories of Kindness from Around the World

I Could Have Helped Him

--by Latesha, posted Jun 11, 2007

I went to a bank to make a demand draft. Saw this poor old man who was waiting with wonded legs and torn clothes.

This is not a common site at a bank. I was wondering why he had to come to a bank. He had the account book with him. I did see him walk to the counter, spoke to the lady at the counter and got back to his seat. He repeated this process for about 4 times in one hour.

He was tired and requested me to help him. That was when I got to know why he was there -- he was waiting for his pension to get credited in his account. I spoke to the lady at the counter, but she said that she could do nothing about it. I knew that he was very badly in need of money. The amount would be very less, less than what I pay for a lunch at Pizza Hut. And he was waiting for 4 hours...or even more (as i left the place when I got my DD).

I could have helped him.

I could have withdrawn some money from my account and given him. He really was in need, else he would not have waited like that ... I could not sleep that night. With regrets for not having helped him, I prayed for him.

I learnt this beautiful lession- 'we only pass through this way but once, so any kindness that we can show or any good deed that we can do, let us do it now, cos we might never pass this way again'

God Bless!

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Readers Comments

lovebug wrote: This is what I call a opportunity to learn, we could pray to be perfect, but we will never be, it is the old trial and error method. There is a possiblity some may not have to learn from this method, but I have not met one. I can only pray I never meet perfect human, and you should too, we would both stop trying to learn anything new.
ihaveneatstuff wrote: We all have had opportunities like that which we have, like you, have let pass us by. The important thing is that we all recognize the lesson that you learned and rectify the situation the next time we encounter it. I'm proud of you.
MissKK wrote: By praying for him you probably helped him more than you know! You also spoke to the teller for him, which is something I'm sure not many other people would've taken the time to do.
brighteyes wrote: Latesha....just remember this lesson for the next opportunity....worrying or guilt will not change the outcome so let the situation did pray for him and everyone can use prayers.
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi Latesha
Don't beat yourself up,we all carry our own "if onlys" and "I should have" we are only human.It shows you are a caring person to worry about it.

God bless.

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Not only have you learned a good lesson from this but you shared it with others who will also learn from it. There are many people who wouldn't think twice about it so thanks for caring!
AURELIA wrote: Latesha, I'm sure you will do more than your share of giving and helping others in the future.Thanks for sharing so we won't second guess our feelings when the opportunity to do good comes our way. He'll be at the bank again next month.~Aurelia
astrocrazy2005 wrote: Latesha,
Awareness is everything..The realization you had can work wonders for you in the future..

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