Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Surprises & Support For Sally

--by brighteyes, posted Jun 13, 2007

It was a busy and hectic week at work but I took the time to talk to another co-worker. During our conversation, she mentioned her husband had taken off the day to pick up a friend of her daughter's, Sally, from a "safe" house in another state.

It seems Sally was down on her luck; running from an violent husband to escape abuse, homeless, jobless, with no money, few belongings, no food, only 18 years old and carrying a precious bundle, her 11 month old son.

My co-worker was lamenting about the situation and how desperate Sally was...she had family in our state but they were either unsupportive or did not have the wherewithall to assist her.

My co-worker's husband had just retired and they are still supporting a daughter in high school so did not have money to lend but her older daughter offered to take in Sally for a few weeks and her husband to pick her up.

When I heard of her plight, my heart felt heavy. I have a soft spot for single Moms and wanted to help her out.

I had just received my smile cards and this was my golden opportunity to apply the "kindness game" by anoymously offering support.  Just the thought of surprising her erased all the stress of my hectic work week!!

I told my co-worker without hesitation not to worry that I would gladly help Sally out immediately...we made plans to visit a few stores so they  could pick up food, clothes, baby supplies, etc that Sally needed tomorrow. They promised not to tell her that this would be a surprise for her.  We would work on the job & home situation next... I also told her I had another friend that might also have some items to provide as well (and she did).

I explained that the surprises for Sally and her son were to be given anoymously accompanied with one of my smile cards. I explained I was into ROAKs and that I was a member of Our mission was to reach out to others with anonymous acts of kindness. We call this a "kindness game".      I shared the site and some stories with Lisa. She was so touched that she teared up saying "thank you, thank you so much! "

As we all know kindness (as well as smiles and laughter is contagious) so it was no surprise when another co-worker popped her head into our cubicle, heard our conversation and wanted to help as well!

I received an email today from Lisa and her daughter.....they said Sally was so surprised!!  :) She laughed, she cried, she was relieved and very shocked that strangers provided assistance when she most needed it , asking nothing in return but that she  pass along a kindness to another someday. She was so thankful and happy especially for the items for her baby.

My heart swelled with joy and my eyes filled with tears...I thought to myself, this kindness game is addicting and thank God I found this site and others with the same mission in life! We're in a Kindness revolution and let's keeping it going!

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a wonderful story, thanks for sharing and keeping the kindness game going!
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi eyes

Awesome,Action Angel strikes again.

What a great start to using your smile cards.

Sally sounds so grateful.

The love and joy just flows from your story.

We are on the march.

Big hugs.
Lovebug wrote: Kindness is addictive, finally I can say I am glad I have this addictive personality, for the moment I do have the obbesion with kindness. We are taught from childhood to play games. I have many addictions in life being labled OCD, I am grateful for you afriendlysmile, and you brighteyes, I do not feel alone, thanks to this web site I have come into contact with many who have the same addiction. Could it be addiction has more than 1 meaning, maybe I will have to look that word up in my dictionary, I am praying I will find something possitive
AURELIA wrote: Brighteyes,That's is so nice of you! You seem to be in the middle of people who can really benefit from The Kindness Game. Good for you to make sure you see what needs to be done and you DO IT! Your light is shining from within...Cozy and Warm. Thank You for sharing such a lovely story. ~Aurelia
brighteyes wrote: Thanks Aurelia....I do ask God to keep my eyes and ears open to serve and there you have it, Opportunities crop up!

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