Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Politeness To Combat Rudeness

--by warmth, posted Jun 17, 2007

I went to a nearby hardware store to get some locks for my home. The shop owner just had a quarrel with someone before i entered the shop.

I waited for my turn and gave my list of things. He was a bit angry and slammed the things which i needed on the desk. I went numb for a second. But without loosing my patience I politely thanked him, smiled, paid and left the shop.

He must have realised that he was a little rude with me. He immediately came behind me and said sorry and also gave me discount for the things i bought and gave me some cash back.

I was delighted and wished him good wishes for the rest of the day. And we both departed with smiles on our face.

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Readers Comments

Pebbles wrote: A good attitude always seems to help people who are down. Sometimes it even seems to pull them up. You were just what that man needed at that moment, an understanding soul. Pebbles
AURELIA wrote: Warmth, You did a great thing! Being kind to one who isn't making it easy is the hardest thing to do. You turned his attitude around. Good for you. SMILE :) ~Aurelia
brighteyes wrote: Courtesy and politeness are very important traits to have and should be taught in youth....seems many, not all, in this new generation are impatient and quick to anger....taking a deep breath or two, a pause when you're upset or anger, is calming. I have a stick'um on my computer with the word,
BREATHE. It reminds me when I get an angry phone call, email, etc to take a few breaths as most of us hold our breath when we are angry/upset, I close my eyes and pause....I calm down and am able to respond to the customer with an even temper which smooths the situation.
Great Job..your presence and calm and kindness made a difference. Brighteyes
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Good job warmth! It is not easy to be kind when someone is being rude or angry. Thanks for making a difference!

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